I'm always interested in qualitative analysis out of curiosity, although I might/ might not include it in my studies in the future. After years of doing quantitative studies, it might be a good idea to learn something from the other side. Therefore, I attended this workshop: 'Introduction to qualitative analysis' in the Welcome Trust Research Centre.

The first lecture was loaded with theory, which I mainly forget most of it but it's not difficult to pick it up by reading a few papers. The main focus of the theory is to identify which type of qualitative study you want to conduct. Is it the grounded theory, which focus on finding the facts and generate theory or the phenomenology, which focus on exploring the feeling and unique experience of the participants.

Then it comes to a very interesting part this afternoon, in which the students did a role play as interviewer and interviewee. We were divided into groups, each group has two interviewers (one grounded theory, one phenomenology) and one interviewee. We were all given the same research question: What factors might affect a student to drop out/continue the PhD degree. I choose the grounded theory approach because I think exploring unique experience is at a more advance level.

Here's the list of questions from me:

Step one: Step two: Step three:


These questions mainly cover the hypothesis in my research questions and also encourage the participant to speak out other factors that my questions are not included.

Here are the questions from the phenomenology side:

The lecturer seems to appreciate my strategy but other students seem to think that I'm asking superficial questions try to direct how the participant thinks by asking these questions as prompts. From the perspective of a psychologist, it's good to listen to a narrative description from a participant to identify a problem, however, it's very often that a participant might not aware that something is an issue that affects how she/he feels about a task.

In conclusion, I think this is a very interesting practice and I have a wonderful experience in both of the interview approaches. I hope I will have chance to experience more of this in the future.