Planning your research
You can read these resources to better understand how to plan your research:
- Online resources on how to summarize journal articles
- How to read a journal article
- Book: Pyrczak, F. (2014). Evaluating research in academic journals (6th ed.). Glendale, CA: Pyrczak Publishing.
- Highlighting and note-taking techniques
- Book: Gathering data for your PhD (2015)
Designing your methods
Note the capabilities of your participants when designing your research methods.
Connecting with professors
Approach professors with concise, open-ended questions that don't come off as demanding.
Grant Proposals and Involving the Public
Consider making links with public charities or support groups. Involve the public in various roles in your project.
Resources for funding
- Research Funding Toolkit
- Where to Find Sources of Academic Research Funding
- Book: Aldridge, J., & Derrington, A. M. (2012). The Research Funding Toolkit: How to Plan and Write Successful Grant Applications. Sage.
Addressing Problems
If things are not going well, reach out to supervisors or colleagues as early as possible.
Research Safety
Always consider your participants' safety. Be aware of your body language and that of your participants. Refer to your department and university safety policies.
Tracking Research Progress
Keep a research diary and a diary of your progress. You could also record future work ideas, books, papers you want to read, conference or job information, or people you would like to network with.
Data Protection and Reporting Findings
Be mindful of data protection and understand the importance of reporting your findings accurately.